Tuesday 2 September 2008

I should never have bought...

Hallo there, this is my `I should never have bought...` post...enjoy!:D

It's Friday the 1st of August 2008 and I've made some wicked cool plans to meet up in town with some friends just for a small outing. I'm thinking brilliant I can go in, get some sunglasses which I've been looking around for a long time, and some headphones for my iPod as the previous stopped working...well the left one did anyways...

I step into Wilkinsons and have a little look around...cracking, first thing I see is headphones, cheap, (being £2.99) and looked OK in their little package thing which read along the lines of `High-Tech Quality` & `Stylish`! Typical headphones to me.

I get home and try them out in my iPod...
I admit I listen to my iPod really quite loud (I'm 16) and thought that's why the Arctic Monkeys are all cracking up and sounding pants...but no...it was the headphones...already they sound like a builders radio underwater and are pretty darn uncomfortable in my ears, there was no spongy stuff to make it a little snug and for some reason them being white made them look a little tacky...
So 4 days later I experienced the loss of £2.99 as the little white earpieces became useless and I got a little bit angry...Yes they only cost £2.99...but then why lie to me and say `High-Tech Quality` on the packaging...I would have done better plugging in potatoes into my iPod to be honest...

So thats the basic of it really, bought some naff as headphones for a top quality piece of technology, and this is the first time to get it off my chest...

Thanks for reading and I hope that you don't now buy headphones from Wilkinsons...just stick to buying their spades and High School Musical beach balls...
